Thursday, August 15, 2013

"The emergency and rise of the African Native American Archbishop"

Cardinal Archbishop  Fr. Bobby Land, Jr. in recent times has carried and seen the vision God gave him in 1975. The chief prince  identifies himself with the World Joint College of Bishops [ chief premier ambassador - St. Land Temple ] Chief  tribal ancestor of affairs - Southeast Texas Central South Archdiocese. The chief prince takes no back seat to his authority and calling in the ranks of the episcopal family. The chief apostle takes to the fact that Southeast Texas Central South Archdiocese is a reformation, a revolution, an African Native American

movement given to him forty years ago, to become a latter day movement to preserve the family. The Archbishop believes there is an aggressive conspiracy in America and around the world against the indigenous population, people of color, the Native American Indian, and those of african decent.

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Unpublished letters of Archbishop Land

As we embark upon this year again to proclaim our independence, it is obvious that the freedom we all seek continues to ask of our service, in order to rightly justify our quest and thirst to experience "all men free".  If mankind seeks to apprehend real freedom, then he must get to the foundation of righteousness and obedience to God's word. Then that same enemy will become a friend and cease their oppression against God's elect.